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This Blog contains all of my Journals for Iolani Physics 2008-2009.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

How I Feel 'Bout Physics

I believe Physics is probably the best and most enjoyable science class compared to chemistry and biology, since it deals with Math. Yet, not all fun things come easy, as well as an A grade. I do not have any anxieties or reservations to this class, but I do wish I had more time on understanding the lab possibly. In order to perform and get an A on a test, I must not only understand what the chapter in the book is about, but also terms in the lab. Knowing these terms help in the multiple choice parts of the test as well as sometimes with the word problems too. My goal in this class is to understand the main concepts and get an A, since I want to be a Mechanical Engineer in the future. So far, my grades have been fairly erratic. I had a bad start in the beginning of the year, good middle, and horrible ending. Hopefully I will be able to boost up my grade to an A- after the lab, journal, and the test this week, though I highly doubt it is possible. My feelings right now is I am so close, yet so far from getting that A. This feeling is also happening in Precalculus too sadly. :(. The one thing I believe I can improve on in this point or next quarter are the labs. When looking at the list, I can see the main difference between me and the A students are their lab grades. Labs are a big chunk of my Physics grade that are in my control and unlike tests which aren't. Therefore, I should take advantage of those areas, and leave the rest to simply studying. The golf ball helps to exemplify the thought which I present, of how close yet so far I am from my goal.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Newton's First Law Of Motion

According to Newton's First Law of Motion, all objects have a property called inertia. If the object has a great mass, it is able to resist change in velocity compared to another object with less mass. The second part to this is if an object is at rest, it will stay at rest, and if an object is moving, it will keep on moving. Greater the mass, greater the inertia. Mass, by the way, is very different from weight. Mass is the property of an object that determines how much it will resist change in velocity. Weight, is the force of gravity on an object times the mass. Yesterday, as I finished practice from tennis, I had a pretty bad cramp in my calf. I went home and quickly put on some mineral ice to subside the tight feeling. As i put down the mineral ice on the counter, I realized Newton's first law put into practice. Before I got the mineral ice on the shelf, it was at a state of rest, and stayed at a state of rest, till an outside force acted upon it, me. When I pulled it out and set in on the counter, Newton's First Law once again was experienced. When I put an object down on the table, the downward force is the weight of the mineral ice and its container (mg), and the upward force from the table is the Normal Force, or perpendicular force canceling out the downward force to keep the object at rest. Interesting ain't it?