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This Blog contains all of my Journals for Iolani Physics 2008-2009.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Reflection : D

Here in this picture is me holding my sign up which was used during the tennis season. If you cannot read it, it says Rath of JMoney. I got the nickname JMoney because of clothes that I have that looked "pimp" to my teammates and tend to wear those clothing at the wrong time. Hence I got the name JMoney. But the main concept is reflection. Using a huge glass pane door to close our lanai, I got a photo capture of myself holding the sign. Well in the picture, I look like I am 10 feet behind the mirror when actually its just a reflection of me, which is 10 feet away from the glass pane in the other direction. Reflection is and was used by illusionists and plays which required ghosts. Using the basic technique I used, I was able to create a mirror image of myself, 20 feet away from where I was actually standing. Neat eh?