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This Blog contains all of my Journals for Iolani Physics 2008-2009.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I apologize for the blurriness of the picture, but what we are currently learning is all about magnetism. Here on my fridge is one of the many magnets stuck to it. Magnets seem to possess a special power. As two sources move closer together, they create a magnetic field which goes on forever, but gets stronger the closer they get together. The same goes with compasses. A compass consists of a magnetized dial which produces and points to the direction north, south, east, or west, according to the way or where we stand. This tells us where the North and South poles are accordingly, as the dials point always towards one specific direction. Lodestone is a natural magnetic rock which was used for compasses (fyi). Another concept in which we are learning is Ferromagnetic, or the ability of a "strong magnetic effect exhibited by the atoms of a certain element, notably iron. It is the cause of magnetic fields commonly used in magnets." < from Kinetic Books.

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